Two-hour Turnaround

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Two-Hour Turnaround Benefits

Transforms and accelerates the relationship between the leader and their team

Achieves in two hours

what takes large change and leadership programs many months

Quickly accelerates

connection and trust


to leadership isolation

The bottom line is a function of the leader’s story line. You cannot follow someone you do not know!

Andrew Wu

Shocking Statistics

Two-hour Turnaround is an antidote to the following:


% Employees actively disengaged 


$Billion lost productivity


21% of employees are actively disengaged

Disengagement costs Australian Industry $42 billion each year in lost productivity  (Gallup 2011)



% CEO’s feel isolated


50% of CEOs feel isolated in their role

61% believe that this isolation hinders their performance

50% of CEOs estimate other leaders experience similar feelings of isolation  (Harvard Business Review, 2012)



% manager’s disconnected


1/3 of managers say that they do not have the confidence & capabilities to connect with their direct reports

(AIM survey, 2013)



There is a solution!

The Process

Brief map: Two-hour Turnaround consists of five steps for success:

Step 1

Pre-qualifying meeting with leader.

Step 2

Leader interviewed in front of their team. Focuses on leader’s purpose, background, hopes, major concerns, expectations and the business context.

Step 3

Team is interviewed in response to what their leader said and how it relates to their own experience, while the leader observes.

Step 4

Leader is interviewed again in front of their team, to give their response to what their team said.

Step 5

Leader and team map next steps together.

Observer/audience position

Creates a safe distance to hear, understand and review what is said from a once removed perspective.



Albert Einstein

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex . . . It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.



What leaders say about Two-hour Turnaround

“My initial fear and concerns about the process were unfounded, to me it demonstrated that there was a huge amount of support from my team, they were willing to come on board and work with me, and because I demonstrated vulnerability, they were prepared to put their butts on the line as well.”

“I believe my honest responses to the questions you posed, provided an icebreaker to allow others to follow suit. The feedback was obviously a recognition that the message was not only received but also understood.”

“I was received as authentic and in a new light, it built greater trust between my team and me. The corporate speak we are so used to deploying in trying to communicate, was no longer clouding the message.”

“It felt like a load was off, I was building a trusting relationship with my guys. It broke the glass ceiling for me, afterwards we had different conversations that we would not of had due to the interview.”

“The process led to enhanced communication and less barriers between staff and management – an increase in staff morale. The “us and them” mentality was also inherently challenged. I felt better understood and appreciated for my role and vision for the service.”

It fosters relationships with those who only see the title not the person.

Meet Andrew

Andrew is Managing Director of Upfront Leadership.

He is the creator and facilitator of the Two-hour Turnaround.

Andrew has over 20 years organisational consultancy experience in leadership development, organisational development and culture change.

He is an organisational psychologist and has an MBA.

Andrew is passionate about connecting people so they can aspire to greatness.

He lives in Sydney, Australia.

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